Thursday, May 30, 2013


So I'm checking my small horde of My Little Ponies for rare ones before I start destr- I mean customizing them. Not too much to talk about today. last night I made fried chicken and burned it? that's news right? I'm hoping to do stuff and take pictures of it and to post about it but there are so many possibilities I'm not sure where to start. Cookies? Muffins?

My poor baby is recovering from a cold so her nose is running and stuff and making her miserable. :(

Hopefully I'll post something exciting tonight or tomorrow! cross your fingers!

Here is my current pony collection, because I know you desperately want to see them! lol

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The First Post

Can you hear the dramatic music playing as I type this? no? neither can I.

I don't have much to type in an introductory blog post other than to share a little bit about me. I am a stay at home mom. for extra money I opened an Etsy shop to sell Custom my little ponies (it's a thing, I swear lol). My husband is in the military so that makes life... interesting. We had a baby girl 9 months ago, she is a beautiful little monster and I love her more than anything else in this world. I also write but I haven't been inspired lately. Maybe this blog will help with that? I have also rediscovered my love on cooking and baking. I plan to share my success and failure here with that.. and trust me there has been A LOT of failure *sigh*. Hopefully I will have some more picture filled posts soon!

Here are some pictures!

My ponies for sale in my Etsy Shop: Jaime's Super Awesome Shop