Sunday, June 2, 2013

Baking Failures

So I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. yay! who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies? and it's possibly one of the easiest recipes to make. how could this go wrong??

First I used the nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie recipe because I firmly believe that one is the best. the secret? 2 sticks of butter. At least that's what I believe it to be. cookies that use anything but butter usually taste weird to me. so put away that *shudder* margarine. and place that can of crisco back in your cupboard!

Oven: 375 degrees... check!

Ingredients (this is when I decide that I only want "30" cookies instead of "60". and thus my downfall begins)

  • 1 cup 2 tbs flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 stick of BUTTER
  • 6 tbs of brown sugar
  • 6 tbs of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 lg egg
  • 1 cup chocolate chips 
Step one: fail completely at doing the math for halving the recipe ( ^ it's halved up there). I converted 3/4 cup brown sugar and granulates sugar into 12 Tbs each. then proceeded to add 12 tbs to my mixer. not 6. Now a sane person would think "oh well, I'll just double the flour, baking soda, and salt and take another stick of butter out". (I had already mixed the flour, baking soda, and salt into a bowl) but I decided to scoop out what I thought was 6 tbs of white and brown sugar. 

I shrug my shoulders and move on to step 2.

Step two: follow the recipe and mix everything up. Add chocolate chips. and since I have a love for Ghirardelli Chocolate I added their milk chocolate chips. and ate a few. so what?

this batter smelled wonderful. it tasted wonderful (yes I know you're not supposed to taste it) but I could tell that there was something off. quite possibly too much brown sugar. hmm.. I wonder why?

 Step Three: with hope and joy lovingly place 12 gigantic lumps of cookie dough onto a baking pan and slide them into the oven. set the timer to 10 minutes... just in case.

Step Four: weep at your failure and eat the rest of the Ghirardelli chocolate chips by themselves.

They were chewy and thin and gross. my husband ate 4 before I could toss them out. I picked a few of the melty chocolate chips out to eat, because why waste chocolate? and now time for Game of Thrones. I'll make cheese/meat/and tomato dip in our tiny crockpot and as long as my cooking curse doesn't affect (effect?) that too we should have at least that to snack on! 

On a side note I purchased 11 Milky way bars to make Pioneer Woman's Milky way cake (though I'll be using butter of course) for a cookout this Saturday. wish me luck! I'm going to need it. 

A link to the recipe on Pioneer Woman's website:

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